5 Foods That Boost the Immune System, Boost Immunity

Diksha Bhardwaj
4 min readMay 22, 2020


“A good immune system leads to good health and keeps the diseases away from our bodies. If we want to stay fit and healthy then we should know how to boost immunity.”

I believe we all know the old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and if we say “A good immune system keeps the doctor away,” then this might also not wrong. A strong immune system protects our body from disease, and for a strong immune system, we should know how we can boost immunity. We all know that we can keep our bodies healthy and fit with a balanced diet but the question which comes in our mind is what should we add in our diet which increases the immunity in our body. In this article, we will discuss some common food that we can easily get from the market and can add to our daily diet for increasing the immunity of our body.

Foods Which Can Boost Immunity | Boost your immunity against the Coronavirus;

1. Garlic:

Garlic is used in many cuisines across the globe but do you know the health benefits of garlic? Garlic is getting used from ages in food ingredients and medicines. Eating garlic can have many health benefits. If we add garlic in our diet then it protects our body from cold and flu. As per research, garlic has shown promising effects in protecting the body from cold and flu. Garlic contains such compounds that help our immune system to fight against the germs. We can increase the health benefits of garlic by adding it to our diet in given ways:

  • Slice or crush the garlic before eating this will increase allicin content of it.
  • Crush garlic ten minutes before using it for cooking.
  • Use garlic more than one clove per meal.
  • Adding 2 or 3 cloves per day in the diet is enough.

2. Ginger:

Ginger has anti-inflammatory contents which are good for the digestive system, it helps in reducing the pain. Because of its antioxidant compounds, it boosts immunity. As per a study, 64 people who are suffering from type two diabetes found that if we take 2 grams of ginger powder daily then it significantly reduces inflammatory proteins. We can increase the health benefits of garlic by adding it to our diet in given ways:

Ginger Shots:
Ginger shots are made from the concentrated amount of ginger which increases our immune system.
We can make ginger shots by adding 1/4 cup of freshly peeled ginger roots by adding 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemons juice in it. After that blend the mixture and pour it in glass through a strainer, drink 30ml of it daily.

3. Citrus Fruits:

Citrus fruits are the richest source of Vitamin C which are getting used to boost immunity from ages and also have antibacterial and antiviral properties. A study says that if someone eats more citrus foods the chances of kidney stones to that person are very less and it also reduces the rate of heart diseases. So we can add Lemons, Oranges, Pummelos in our diet.

  • Amount as per Gender For Adults
  • 90 mg for men.
  • 75 mg for women.

4. Broccoli:

Broccoli is the richest source of potassium which is very effective in muscle growth, maintains a healthy nervous system and optimal function of the brain. It also has calcium and magnesium which helps regulate blood pressure. It is beneficial in repairing the damaged skin and also boost immunity. “Remember while cooking broccoli cook it as less as you can so that it does not lose its nutrients.”

5. Spinach:

Spinach is one of the best food which we should add to our diet. It is rich with protein, fiber, and all the essential nutrients. It is rich with antioxidants that provide the ability to our immune system to fight against the infection.

We have mentioned all these foods based on research studies and we are not committing that these foods are going to work for all of you. The sole purpose of our is to make you all aware of the benefits of these foods. We all know that every product shows different actions and reactions according to our body and if you are allergic to anything or you want to add these foods to your diet we suggest you consult a doctor or dietitian first. We are also not saying that adding these foods in your diet will protect us from the pandemic COVID-19.

(Source Link; https://reporteraunty.com/what-the-health/5-foods-that-boost-the-immune-system-boost-immunity/)



Diksha Bhardwaj
Diksha Bhardwaj

Written by Diksha Bhardwaj

Animal Lover 🐶, Foodie 🥪, Coffee Supplies ☕, Tattooed 🔱, Visual Storyteller 🗒️, Keep it real on and offline .✌️

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